


Pelvictrainer is an equipment for training of pelvic floor muscles offering a biofeedback.

Pelvic floor is responsible for support and correct positioning of organs located within the pelvis minor: the urinary bladder, rectum, anus and sexual organs. Why so few patients undergo rehabilitation of the pelvic floor? Some basic reasons include: shame, mental barrier and rehabilitation methods (previously used intra-vaginal and intra-anal electrodes). Self-training does not guarantee correctness of exercises.

Pelvictrainer  is an ideal solution that is able to overcome that barrier, as the training requires no intimate contact or nudity, in completely non-embarrassing conditions. A complete comfort is ensured by the following: exercises are individual, a patient remains in sitting position, and wearing clothes.

Just like other skeletal muscles, muscles forming the pelvic floor are striated muscles, remaining under our voluntary control. To localise them and contract correctly is not an easy task. Many people find it difficult and train incorrectly. Also therapists find it difficult to explain the method of activation of those muscles, and exercises cannot be de-facto controlled in any way.


  • pelvic-2urine incontinence problems,
  • pregnancy and perinatal period,
  • prolapse of urogenital organs,
  • surgical interventions within the pelvis,
  • overweight,
  • irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, haemorrhoids,
  • lumbar spine and hips instability and pain,
  • menopause,
  • advanced age,
  • broadly understood prevention.

That group of muscles should be trained by women and men, regardless the age.

Results of 2-3 training sessions a week are evident after 10-20 sessions. There are no side-effects and there are practically no contraindications. The diagnosis, course of exercises and progress are recorded and compared. A physiotherapist may observe and control correctness of the training on screen of a computer.


  • control over physiological functions,
  • improved quality of life,
  • restored mental comfort,
  • easier and less painful childbirth,
  • faster post-partum recovery,
  • reduction / disappearance of lumbar spine and hip pain,
  • superior sexual experience,
  • improved potency.

During the training a patient learns how to self-train pelvic floor muscles at home.

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fundusze unijne, contance care